5 Reasons Why You Need A Google Ads PPC Specialist

by | Jan 20, 2023 | PPC

Advertising online is a cornerstone tactic for all successful marketing strategies. But knowing you need it and how to implement and execute it well are two different things. If you’re looking into PPC marketing, Rochester agency Full Circle SEM has the breakdown of why DIY may not be the best option for your business or your bank account.

What Is Google Ads PPC Advertising?

PPC or Pay Per Click advertising on Google and other search engines allows brands of any size to appear in search results quickly and only pay when the ad in question is clicked. It’s a cost-effective component of many marketing strategies to drive traffic to your website and accelerate conversions or sales.

Marketers and ad managers will bid on keywords that are related to their products and services as well as the search intent of the target market. When that search is conducted, the ad is displayed among the top search results or throughout the list of results below.

Why PPC Ads Vs. SEO

SEO or search engine optimization builds out the relevancy of your website and content to prove to search engines’ algorithms that your site is a worthy landing space for the customer’s search. It involves on-page SEO content, technical SEO programming, positive user experience design, and accessibility.

While long-term marketing strategies like SEO certainly have their place in your business, paid ads are the solution if you can’t or don’t want to wait around. A PPC ad campaign allows you to bypass months, or even years, waiting for SEO strategies to kick in and positively impact your revenue and your profits. Truly effective marketing strategies leverage both tactics in harmony.

Common PPC Management Pitfalls

In our many years in this field, we’ve seen the back end of many accounts. Here are the most common pitfalls business owners and marketing teams make.

Lack of Optimization

Setting up PPC ads isn’t enough. They must be aligned with your marketing goals, optimized for your audience, have the right keywords,

Too Cautious With Bidding and Daily Limits

If you’re too cautious with ad spending, you won’t get enough traffic to generate conversions or sales. In the end, it may all feel like a waste of money.

Too Zealous With With Bidding and Daily Limits

On the other hand, if you throw money at your PPC ads, thinking that they will solve all the problems, you will find yourself with a different kind of problem.

The Hostile Takeover

In some cases, business owners will hire a PPC specialist to set up their accounts so they can operate them on their own. However, the results are suboptimal without detailed knowledge of bidding, targeting, and optimization.

5 Reasons You Need A PPC Specialist

Many online resources are available for business owners to learn how to manage their own ads. However, before you begin your DIY journey, here are five things to keep in mind.

#1 It’s Easy To Lose A Lot Of Money Quickly

While it seems the concept of only paying for clicks wouldn’t be too costly, many behind-the-scenes pitfalls can still unnecessarily cost you money, in either overspending or lack of traffic.

If your keyword is too low in traffic, you don’t have a high enough daily spend, or you set a daily ad spend that’s too high, or you programmed the wrong audience targeting are all ways that your PPC campaigns could cost you more money than you budgeted.

There are three primary bidding options within Google’s PPC ad campaigns:

  • CPC (Cost Per Click)
  • CPM (Cost Per Mille)
  • CPE (Cost Per Engagement)

They all serve different purposes and will help you achieve a specific outcome. With CPC, every click will cost you, plain and simple. Impressions drive CPM campaigns. For every 1,000 impressions reached, your account will be charged. CPE ad campaigns are looking for post-click actions such as registrations, purchases, comments, video views, etc.

To see the ROI you need, you must choose the bid option that best fits your goals and your budget.

#2 With PPC Marketing Rochester, Ads Are Constantly Monitored

Things change rapidly in advertising, and the Google algorithm is constantly learning. PPC ads must be babysat to ensure they’re not over or under-spending or attracting poor traffic. The higher the traffic or, the higher the daily budget, the more hands-on the business owner or the specialist must be to ensure the best possible results and a worthwhile ROI.

A specialist in PPC campaigns knows precisely, what, when, and where to look when gauging the success of paid ads and keeping track of target keywords, traffic, and conversions.

#3 A PPC Specialist Understands Ad Quality Scores

Google’s algorithm isn’t just looking for a keyword match to the search. It also measures the relevance of all content, including ad copy, in relation to the search intent. The more relevant the content is to the target audience, the higher the score. The scale is 1 to 10 and connects the keyword to the destination page, such as your website or landing page.

#4 A PPC Specialist Knows Landing Page Design and Conversion

What happens after someone clicks on your ad? Will they go straight to a product page? Your home page? Or a landing page? It’s a waste of ad spend to send a purchase-driven searcher anywhere but exactly where they need to be to buy what they want.

It’s also ineffective to send a discovery-based search to a massive website where they’ll quickly get lost or confused. After someone clicks on an ad, they must land somewhere that reminds them they’re in the right place, solves their problem, or immediately answers their question.

#5 A Google PPC Specialist Understands Targeting

If you’re a luxury brand, your creative assets, ad copy, and audience targeting will not be the same as a budget-driven brand offering discounted services. To reach the intended audience with your content, you have to create what they’re looking for and ensure it gets in front of them at a volume that makes a difference for your brand.

This requires detailed and strategic keyword research, audience targeting, and high-quality copy and creative assets. A PPC marketing Rochester specialist will help with this.

Hire The PPC Marketing Rochester Brands Trust!

We’re here to implement, manage, and scale your PPC marketing efforts with our industry expertise and finesse. Call today for a consultation!


Justin Ober

Justin built his first website and eBay store while in high school (circa 1999) and has had a hand in internet marketing ever since. After graduating from Penn State University he headed for warmer weather in sunny South Florida, where he worked on both the client and agency side of digital marketing. Yada, yada, yada, he's since managed over $30 million in digital ad spend and is an expert in all things PPC.

If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, call 888-757-2714 or contact us here today.