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The Future of PPC: Trends and Predictions for 2024
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is ever-evolving. As we gear up for 2024, specific trends will make significant impacts. As your trusted PPC company...

Everything to Know About Google Analytics 4
Google Analytics 4 has been out since October 2021, with plenty of time for the platform to prove its staying power. While the original Analytics is still in use, Google Analytics 4 is the new default and self-styled "next generation" version of the platform. Don't...

Why a Fort Lauderdale PPC Company Must Review Google Search Terms
Google search term reports are a vital resource for every Fort Lauderdale PPC or paid advertising company. And even small changes to these reports—and the data they offer—can have broad ramifications on how you do business. What are Google's Search Term Reports?...

SEO And Misinformation: How Google Fights Misinformation and the Rise of DuckDuckGo
Connections Between SEO And Misinformation Due to the connections between SEO and misinformation on search engines like Google, a number of users are increasingly looking for other search options. With 92% of users turning to Google for search queries,1 Google is most...

Why Properly Setting Up Facebook Business Manager is Critical
As the third most visited website next to Google and YouTube, with an impressive reach of 59% of social media users, Facebook is one of the most beneficial platforms for social media marketing in 2021.1 For the most organized, seamless, and successful Facebook...

PPC Search Retargeting: An Overview
As countless brands compete for the attention of consumers online, staying current on the best marketing tactics is critical. One of these tactics is search retargeting, a marketing tactic that 46% of search engine marketing professionals believe to be underutilized.1...
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