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Category: Online Advertising

Succeeding With Facebook Advertising

Succeeding With Facebook Advertising

Advertising on Facebook is a marketing strategy that has become popular among businesses of all sizes, and for good reason. Advertising on this constantly growing social media platform can open up an incredible array of opportunities for your business. Below are a...

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The Value of Web Analytics

The Value of Web Analytics

Web analytics is essential to any type of search engine marketing, particularly your PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns. It's imperative to know where your traffic is coming from, the density of traffic, and the time of the day your traffic is densest. You want to know...

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Social Media Marketing (An Overview)

Social Media Marketing (An Overview)

Social media marketing is a great way to get a lot of exposure, especially when budgets are tight. Utilizing an SEM agency that is also an SMM agency is a smart move as it allows you more options when it comes to marketing your business or website. Because social...

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Yahoo Gemini Review

Yahoo Gemini Review

Yahoo Gemini promises a solution for mobile search and native advertising for their “millions of people” that visit Yahoo daily to search for things, read the news and check email, etc. While there are some things we DO like about Yahoo Gemini, right now, the...

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