Why a Fort Lauderdale PPC Company Must Review Google Search Terms

by | Dec 6, 2021 | PPC

Google search term reports are a vital resource for every Fort Lauderdale PPC or paid advertising company. And even small changes to these reports—and the data they offer—can have broad ramifications on how you do business.

What are Google’s Search Term Reports?

Google’s search term reports provide meaningful information into the way users interact with your paid advertisements. With insights into the kinds of search terms that trigger your ads and bring them to the user’s attention, it provides a fuller picture of your customers.

How a Fort Lauderdale PPC Company Can Use Search Terms

PPC companies use this data extensively. Here are a few of the most important ways:

  • Derive new search terms: You can adjust your marketing strategy accordingly by offering a window into the keywords and search terms with which you’re getting the most leverage. With greater visibility into what happens on the user’s end, you can be sure your processes are optimized effectively.
  • Adding negative keywords: Negative keywords are an excellent way to ensure your PPC marketing always reaches potential prospects, rather than users with a related but irrelevant search who will not be interested in your advertisement. How do negative keywords work in practice? For example, say you are running PPC ads for cosmetic dentistry. By adding negative keywords associated with general dentistry, you can ensure that users who come across your ad have a genuine need for your specific business. It’s just one more strategy you can use to narrow the field of prospects and make sure you’re connecting with your ideal customer.
  • Fine-tune marketing strategy: Traditional marketing sometimes has a reputation for relying too much on hunches and creativity. With access to Google’s search reports, you can take that guesswork out. Let go of search terms that aren’t performing at the levels you need them to, and discover new terms you hadn’t even thought of.

In short, search term reports provide valuable insight into your campaigns and help you develop a strategic roadmap for PPC campaigns and paid advertising. It affects the way you do business, the kinds of keywords you target, and the direction you take paid advertisements in the future.

Changes over Time to Google’s Search Term Reports

Google has made significant changes to how it compiles and presents search term reports. And not always for the better.

Back in the good old days, a paid advertiser had access to all queries their ads showed up for. That’s not how things work anymore.

In 2020, Google announced it would hide specific low-volume search terms. PPC advertisers weren’t happy about this change. Although Google claimed they made this change in the interest of privacy, some viewed it as an attempt to reduce transparency into the search process.

Google has recently reversed course—somewhat. Low-volume search terms are still hidden, but now advertisers have access to search terms that produce impressions without clicks. However, Google also announced that it would retroactively hide data that no longer met its privacy standards.

How to Optimize Your Paid Advertising with Search Term Reports

What should PPCs take from all these changes over time to Google’s search term reports? That the only constant is change. It’s essential to ensure that you optimize searches based on all data available to you while also keeping an eye on Google’s updates.

Here’s some free advice: Make sure you keep a rigorous archive of past searches before this data disappears. And don’t forget to stay up to date with Google’s search term report updates. Although many of the changes are minor and won’t affect how you approach business, some changes will require companies to be nimble in optimizing ads.

Partner with Full Circle SEM, a PPC Company in Fort Lauderdale

Paid advertising can sometimes feel like gazing into a crystal ball. Maybe you have an idea of what works but don’t know where to start. Perhaps it feels like you’re just hoping you’ve done the right thing. As a PPC company based in Fort Lauderdale, Full Circle SEM can offer the total picture of not just your clients but the avenues your clients take to reach you.

Looking for PPC insights that go beyond hunches and dig into the data? Call us or contact us online to get started.

Justin Ober

Justin built his first website and eBay store while in high school (circa 1999) and has had a hand in internet marketing ever since. After graduating from Penn State University he headed for warmer weather in sunny South Florida, where he worked on both the client and agency side of digital marketing. Yada, yada, yada, he's since managed over $30 million in digital ad spend and is an expert in all things PPC.

If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, call 888-757-2714 or contact us here today.

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