Repurposing Content: How to Maximize Your Marketing Efforts

by | Oct 16, 2024 | Content Marketing

In today’s business landscape, 29% of marketers actively use content marketing to generate website traffic. And half of them plan to increase their investment in content marketing this year. [1] If that is one of your goals, repurposing content for marketing can help you achieve it.

The increase is happening because content marketing is highly effective for brands. Statistically, brands with blogs attract 67% more leads than those without. And email marketing can increase open rates by 30% and click-through rates by 50% when done right.[1]

These numbers present an exciting opportunity, yet content marketing continues to challenge marketers and business owners alike. Just under 20% of them struggle with finding new ideas for creating content, and about as many have difficulty generating traffic, leads, and engagement.[2]

Fortunately, content repurposing presents an excellent solution to these problems. If you’re unsure what content repurposing is, read on to discover what it entails and how it can help your business reap the benefits of compelling content.

Repurposing Content: How to Maximize Your Marketing Efforts

What Is Content Repurposing?

As a business leader, you understand that not every customer has the same preferences or motivations for buying a product. Similarly, they have different learning styles and preferences regarding content consumption. Some learn best through audio podcasts, while others need to watch a video, for instance

At its core, content repurposing is the process of morphing existing content into a different format to ensure it reaches new audiences.

Do note, however, that content repurposing isn’t just content recycling by a different name. Instead, it helps you adapt your content to meet varied needs. You aren’t trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, so your content must be appropriate for the medium. For instance, you wouldn’t want to transcribe your YouTube video script as a blog post.

The Benefits of Repurposing Content for Marketing

The Benefits of Repurposing Content for Marketing

Content repurposing has many benefits for business leaders. With a bit of ingenuity and a deep understanding of different content types, you can accomplish the following:

  • Reach different audiences outside of search engine users and website visitors
  • Improve content engagement based on different needs and learning styles
  • Avoid the need to come up with new content topics and ideas constantly
  • Ensure your highest-performing content can go even further
  • Increase your ROI while scaling down your marketing efforts

In these ways, repurposing content for marketing can save your business time and money by streamlining your content creation and marketing while helping you expand your reach.

Identifying High-Quality Content That’s Ripe for Repurposing Content for Marketing

Identifying High-Quality Content That’s Ripe for Repurposing Content for Marketing

Many people will tell you that the best content to repurpose is the old blog post lying around your website. Repurposing older content can bring it new life, but it’s not wise to just start grabbing posts off the proverbial shelf and turning them into videos or social media posts.

Instead, the content you choose for repurposing should meet two criteria:

  • It’s evergreen content, meaning it stays relevant no matter the period
  • It’s high-performing, meaning it has already seen a lot of engagement

The site content tab on your Google Analytics dashboard can give you insight into which website pages have had the highest page views. If you’re looking for social media engagement statistics, consider the posts with the most comments, likes, and shares.

Repurposing Content for Marketing: Your Guide to Creating New Types of Content From One Piece

Repurposing Content for Marketing: Your Guide to Creating New Types of Content From One Piece

Before repurposing your content, it’s a good idea to determine which formats will work best for your current content. Then, figure out how to translate that content in a new way to reach a different audience or to reach the same audience at different parts of their customer journey.

Here are a few examples to jumpstart your efforts:

Turn Blog Posts Into an Email Series

If you have a huge pillar post or a series of posts that have been helpful to visitors, consider breaking up the content and offering it as an email series. You can market the content as a crash course to help your audience achieve a particular goal. The key benefit here is that you won’t have to change the format; you can just change the way you market it.

Make Shorts From Long-Form Videos

Making short videos from long ones is yet another easy transition. You need to find clips in your videos that are both helpful and enticing, making the watcher want to see more. Your short-form clips will present an excellent opportunity to capture a new audience with social media marketing via platforms like YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok.

Create Videos From Your Blog Posts

Create Videos From Your Blog Posts

Turning your blogs into videos will require more creativity, but it can certainly be worth the effort. First, determine what your visitors find most helpful about a particular blog post. Then, consider creating a “how-to” video series that can engage visually driven leads. Good video marketing can turn these leads into channel subscribers, followers, website visitors, and (most importantly) customers by helping them accomplish a goal.

Turn Written Content Into Infographics

The point of an infographic is to take data and present it in a visual format. Many people prefer infographics because they make the content easy to digest, especially since the brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text.[3]

Just about anything that’s data-heavy can become an infographic. You might take such an approach with a blog post that includes statistics or a tutorial with multiple steps. You can also make infographics from recipes or sales material explaining your product’s benefits. Consider making them available on your blog and sharing them via social media posts.

Turn Any Content Into Social Media Posts

The great thing about social media platforms is that they can often display various types of content, from words to images to videos. Consider taking clips from a recent webinar and creating a recap video for your social media followers.

You can also create images with quotes from blog posts to draw them in and make them want to read more. You might even feel creative enough to film a set of skits based on some of your popular blog posts to engage your audience in a new way.

Get More From Your Efforts by Repurposing Content for Marketing

Get More From Your Efforts by Repurposing Content for Marketing

Repurposing content can help you save time in your business and marketing by allowing you to work with your existing content instead of feeling like a full-time creator constantly needing new ideas. Still, don’t forget that the premise of content repurposing is not just to make your life easier. It’s meant to help you reach your target audience with timely and helpful information.

For your marketing to be effective, you need a solid and holistic strategy that allows all parts of it to work together seamlessly. While experimentation is great, many business owners get frustrated because it doesn’t always produce the results they’d hoped for.

Fortunately, our team at Full Circle SEM can help you achieve a high content marketing ROI with professional content creation and strategies that work for today’s audiences. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let us help you develop a content marketing strategy that engages your audience and brings undeniable results.





Justin Ober

Justin built his first website and eBay store while in high school (circa 1999) and has had a hand in internet marketing ever since. After graduating from Penn State University he headed for warmer weather in sunny South Florida, where he worked on both the client and agency side of digital marketing. Yada, yada, yada, he's since managed over $30 million in digital ad spend and is an expert in all things PPC.

If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, call 888-757-2714 or contact us here today.