Top 5 Misconceptions about Online Reputation Management

by | Mar 31, 2018 | Info

Online reputation refers to the customer feedback that a business receives via the Internet. Online reputation management is the practice of monitoring reactions, identifying problems before they manifest and addressing responses that are potentially damaging. ORM is a large and sometimes complex focus, and that intricacy has led to some common misconceptions that are detrimental.

1. People Don’t Talk About Your Company on the Web

Perhaps the most prevalent misconception is that a business requires a web presence on a large scale before people are talking about them. This isn’t true at all. Consumers have numerous ways to communicate with each other and express themselves online. Even small local businesses must be aware that an offhand comment by a client on Facebook can reach hundreds of potential customers.

2. Companies Should Ignore Negative Comments and Reviews

Ignoring a negative response online won’t make it go away or dampen the potential effect. Effective responses, on the other hand, can lessen the damage. In fact, this is one of the core conceits of online reputation management. A proper response can generate goodwill with the unsatisfied customer, and it can show potential customers that you’ll do what it takes to earn their satisfaction.

3. Overcoming a Negative Reputation Online Is Easy

A negative reputation that sticks is anything but easy to reverse. This challenge is why it’s so important to begin managing your reputation at the earliest stages. The core mission of ORM is to ensure that your reputation never dips below positive, that you deal with all negative responses in a timely manner and that you identify potential problems before they become established.

4. Your Business Needs All Five-Star Reviews

Many businesses believe that their online reputation needs to be impeccable. When online reputation management gets a bad rap it’s often due to this concept of scrubbing away earned negativity. Truth is, that’s not what effective ORM is about. Having a five-star response from every client you serve probably isn’t realistic. Positive but balanced reviews are what you should strive for.

5. Search Engine Optimization and Reputation Aren’t Related

SEO is absolutely important to reputation management because it can help shape the information that shows up first when an Internet surfer uses Google or another search engine. Even a local company who ignores SEO runs the risk of an unwarranted negative response being the first thing a prospective client sees, and that’s a first impression that you usually won’t overcome.

Why is Online Reputation Management Necessary?

ORM is an important pursuit for any organization with an online presence. Size and scope of the business doesn’t matter, and even local companies shouldn’t overlook the potential benefits and pitfalls. If you’d like to learn more about reputation management online and how it could advance your business, then contact Full Circle SEM today for additional information.

Michelle Ober

Justin’s favorite sister-in-law that he “fires” regularly. Director of Content & Social Media for Full Circle SEM.

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