Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most popular forms of marketing for website owners. However, it can be quite complex with so many elements that factor into SEO, from anchor text and metadata to content quality. As a result, business owners often...
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Auhtor: Justin Ober
Justin Ober
The Power of Evergreen Content: Why It’s Essential for Long-Term SEO Success
Content marketing can feel like a rat race. You are constantly looking for fresh ideas and conducting keyword research to ensure your content ranks on the first page. You have to add new concepts to your content strategy. That doesn’t mean you must reinvent the wheel...
The Power of Internal Linking for SEO: Best Practices and Tips
Search engine optimization (SEO) involves much more than keyword research and crafting some great blog posts. You must also weave in some strategic internal links pointing to helpful resources. Here’s everything you need to know about internal linking for SEO,...
Repurposing Content: How to Maximize Your Marketing Efforts
In today’s business landscape, 29% of marketers actively use content marketing to generate website traffic. And half of them plan to increase their investment in content marketing this year. [1] If that is one of your goals, repurposing content for marketing can help...
What Is Technical SEO and How Can It Improve Your Website?
SEO is a well-known term in digital marketing. It usually involves keyword research, content development, and link building. Technical SEO is a vital element of the overarching SEO, albeit sometimes overlooked. It is the foundation of a good website, focusing on...
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